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Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Im going to give you a quick description of what to expect when you listen to the frequencies.
Phase 1 (induction - still in natural beta state) - You will hear and be conscious of the sound in your headphones. There will be a rushing sound ( similar to waves moving from one side of your head to the other) and the low drone of the binuaral carrier sound. You may feel restless, apprehensive, nervous or even irritable at this point.Your brain is reluctant to give up control and will try to distract you. Don't worry this will pass.
Phase 2 ( the alpha phase) - The sound continues but you are less aware of it. You will feel very physically relaxed and may have exprienced a deeply relaxing muscular effect; this happens at around 12 Hz. It is a bit like getting into a hot bath after a long days physical activity. The internal chatter will stop and you will feel true peace of mind ( This is superb for dealing with stress and anxiety; we use this very specifically on our stress manager and instant meditation products)
The alpha frequency induction products will stop at this point; this will include alpha meditation, instant meditation, stress manager; improve memory, increase iq, mood elevator & hypnotic induction. Each product focuses on a different dominant frequency. This is very important as random alpha induction ( from gentle music or hypnosis) is not accurate enough to get the absolute correct state.
Going into the alpha state is very easily achievable. We would expect you to achieve an altered state of consciousness ( into the alpha state) on your very first try with the Mind Sync Brainwave Harmonic system.
You may just want to get into a relaxed state and experience all the benefits that the alpha state can bring:
stress reduction, curing insomnia, dealing with ADD, improving memory, increasing iq and learning ability, increasing concentration, working with affirmations and imagery.
The alpha meditation at Meditation Course will do this quickly and effectively.
If you want to work more specifically in one area of personal development we have a series of products that will concentrate on each one. Each area is best stimulated by a particular dominant frequency or combination of dominant frequencies. Some examples follow;
The stress manager is the lightest alpha state induction and is superb at taking the edge off stress. In some instances you may not want to be completely de-stressed. Some stress is important for us to function effectively in our day to day lives. We have many students who use this product; before an exam, a big presentation, before or after a difficult class, before that important meeting.
The instant meditation takes things a bit further. This product will completely chill you out. This is perfect for use when you get home from work or school. It allows you to draw a line under the day. You will reach a point where all the internal dialogue stops and you have complete peace of mind. I can assure you that that is a truly wonderful experience If you dont know it. Make sure you dont need to do much for an hour or so after you use this - it is that powerful !!
The improve memory product helps to declutter the mind so that we file and retrieve ( remember) things more effectively. As we get older we get less efficient at doing this. The main reason is that we have too much going on in the mind. It will help most with short term memory but has shown it will improve long term memory too.
Increase IQ helps to sharpen the logical processors in the mind. IQ is actually a measure of how well you do IQ tests. These tend to concentrate on logic and spatial awareness. This one is very, very straightforward. You listen and your IQ rises.
Mood Elevator helps to regulate the correct serotonin levels in the brain. A number of studies have shown that alpha mediation helps with depression - this is why !!
Stimulating the brain at a certain frequency will raise serotonin levels ( but not above where it needs to be - so dont worry about overproduction). A great benefit if your feeling down.
A special mention for speed learning here. It works on 2 levels. The first and most obvious is the way it helps with memory, concentration and logical processing ( see IQ and memory above). If you listen whilst you study you will study for longer, remember more and be able to retrieve more effectively come exam time.
The second uses the Lozanov ( or Mozart ) effect. The sound is pulsed at around 50 cycles / second. Experiments in the 1970's showed that if you paced learning material to the same pulsed beat; your ability to learn and retain material is increased by a factor of 10 !!! They called this the Superlearning effect. I can personally vouch for it working but it does take a lot of preparation. You need to record all of your learning phrases and play them at the same time. It seems to work best with languages and formulae. ( I used mnemonic hooks in all the phrases to increase the association)
Phase 3 (theta state) - You are no longer aware of the sound. Images come into your mind. To begin with they are very like dream images and will not be controlled and will disappear quickly. You may find that you fall asleep in your early attempts. Once you gain experience and confidence you will be able to spend longer and be more comfortable in this phase.
The theta frequency induction products will stop at this point; this will include theta meditation, astral projection, sleep improver; remote viewing, past life regression, manifestation, magickal focus, lucid dreaming, psychic, clairvoyance, telepathy, chi generator, precognition, om meditation. Each product focuses on a different dominant frequency or combinations of dominant frequencies. This is even more important than in the alpha range. Once entering the theta state; music and hypnosis will no longer work. At best this approach will help you to fall asleep more quickly but you are unlikely to achieve consistent controlled theta states.
Using Mind sync controlled sweep binaurals is the only consistently successful method to achieve this level of accurate control
Astral projection, Remote Viewing and Past Life Regression all take place in the Theta Phase of our altered consciousness.
Once you have achieved stability and confidence in the sleep borderline environment you will be able to move your awareness around within this visible environment. You will have dissociated from your physical body and are now in what many people call the astral body or the astral vehicle. In some instances you can still see your physical body. This is not as common as popular literature suggests. It is very rare to see a silver cord connecting the astral and the physical bodies.
With experience you will be learn to differentiate the different types of images.
i) The astral and past life images will often have an ethereal quality. The colours will be vibrant and senses will be extremely heightened. There will often be clues that the content is past life related ( We have many students who will correlate their exeperiences with real events or locations on the internet)
ii) Remote Viewing images will seem more part of this world ( and of course they are). Many students have likened this to watching a live remote camera where you have control over angle, zoom and position. You are not visible in these situations.
iii) With Astral projection you mostly have control over what you do and where you go ( many have suggested that this is a similar experience to wake induce lucid dreaming - I am personally inclined to agree but would suggest that Dream Induce Lucid Dreaming is a different state and experience - more of that in a later newsletter)
Sometimes you can feel that you are being led and this can be exciting. However you do always maintain control.
Also a quick word about the differences between the astral , super astral and oobe frequencies.
As mentioned the astral frequencies work in the theta phase and help to stabilize the sleep borderline state. The oobe frequencies go into a deeper state of consciousness than this. The dominant frequencies are almost into the delta range. This has the tendency to slow down the image stream so that you have more control over your interaction. However as the oobe frequencies take you well beyond the normal sleep threshold it is more likely that you will fall asleep to begin with.
The super astral program is much longer than the standard astral or oobe frequency sets. It has a much longer induction period which helps students who have some resistance to brainwave entrainment. It also has a much longer stabilization period. It is ideal for students who have more time to spend on their astral journeys ( you will need to listen for whole 70 minutes).
The psychic development products also work in the lower theta range and include; Psychic Amplifier, Clairvoyance, Precognition and Telepathy.
The demonstration and reproduction of psychic abilities has always been inconsistent and difficult to prove conclusively. Where psychic activity has been produced under laboratory conditions it has invariably been associated with bursts of theta activity. If you stimulate this theta activity directly it is possible to generate psychic activity at will.
The Clairvoyance and Precognition programs have been developed to be used over time. They will increase your psychic faculties the more they are used.
The Clairvoyance is used to develop you clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient ability. Within a few weeks you will have a much higher sense of what is around you. You will also tend to know instinctively what you need to do ( many people use a pendulum for this - you dont necessarily need it once this faculty is developed)
The Precognition program is used to develop your ability to see the future ( this will happen almost entirely in your dreams). The majority of the precognitive dreams you have will be of mundane events ( this has been completely correlated to the deja vu feelings most of us experience - whenever you get deja vu it means that you dreamt that exact series of events some time previously) but it is possible ( but rare) to have precognition of future catastrophic events or lottery wins. We have had a number of students who have reported horse racing predictions or lottery wins.
I would strongly recommend you start to keep a dream diary.
The Psychic Amplifier is exactly that. It works in real time to help you hear/channel spirit/angelic/higher self voices more clearly. The first half of the program uses the binaural sound frequencies to create the exact brainwave state for hearing spirit/angelic/higher self voices more clearly. The second half of the program is pure white sound ( like a hiss or detuned radio). This has been shown to be the best medium to amplify spirit/angel/higher self voices to their maximum. This process is commonly used by psychic investigators. There is no danger associated with this approach.
The Telepathy product is best used with 2 people. ( You dont need to buy 2 copies - no harm in sharing it with one other person). If the same dominant theta frequency is created in both brains it acts like a carrier frequency. You will then find it very easy to transmit information from one to the other. Images are best as the brain likes to work with pictures.
We have had some students who have reported enhanced mind reading ability after a few months working with the telepathy product. The telepathy product was not designed for this but it is certainly possible to develop this faculty.
Phase 4 (delta state) - The images that you experienced in the theta state become slower and more controllable ( this is good for OOBE). Eventually they will cease all together. At this point you will often feel a connectedness with the universe or your chosen godhead. It is very difficult to describe accurately as there are very few frames of reference in modern language. The closest is probably the ecstasy, nirvanic or samadhi state. You will almost certainly find that you fall asleep in your early attempts ( some of the healing frequencies like HGH will still be working even if you do fall asleep).
The delta frequency induction products include delta meditation, out of body (oobe), HGH, epsilon & shaman. Again,each product focuses on a different dominant frequency or combinations of dominant frequencies. This is even more important than in the alpha and theta range. Once entering the delta state only controlled sweep binaurals will control the dominant frequencies accurately. Musical accompaniment or spoken words will distract the brain, making it virtually impossible to stay in the delta state.
The chakra frequencies work in a slightly different way.The chakra frequencies will very quickly set up a dominant harmonic in the brains electrical activity spectrum ( it does it more quickly than many of our other products as no induction period is needed - this has another big advantage which i will explain later).
The chakra will then start to resonate in harmony with the dominant frequency in the brain. This stimulation will clear any blockages in that particular chakra allowing energy to flow more easily through the energy pathways.
After 10 minutes the frequencies change and we set up a new dominant electricial frequency in the brain. This stimulates the next chakra in the same way as the first.
We repeat this process for all 7 chakra; working, in sequence, from root to crown.
Now getting back to that big advantage !!!
You can use the chakra frequencies set whilst you are doing other things ( reading, studying, working out, watching tv,etc,etc) because the chakras are indirectly stimulated by frequencies in the beta ( normal alert and awake state) range; so there is no need for quietness or meditative states to get the best out of this.
We get a lot of students who have immediate and massive beneficial effects from the chakra frequencies. If you have any dis-ease that is caused by energy imbalance or blockage ; the chakra frequencies will get rid of it very quickly. We have a lot of testimonials for healing after only one or 2 uses of the chakra frequency system. You are welcome to take a look at a selection of them at chakra frequencies
We have other healing products too:
endorphin release is another product that can be used in any environment and without the need to meditate. It can help with mild pain relief and managing cravings.
HGH stim works in the delta range but is equally effective whether you are awake or asleep. This product uses a very specific combination of frequencies that stimulate the pituitary gland. We have some very encouraging testimonials about its effect on ageing and age related disease. You can read a selection of the testimonials at HGH
The energizer is a simple pick me up program. Again, it can be used anywhere , anytime. It temporarily raises the electrical activity in the brain and is similar to the effect of caffeine.
A special word about Manifestation,cosmic ordering and the laws of attraction and abundance:
Many of you will have read or heard of the Cosmic Ordering books by Barbel Mohr. For those of you who havent - cosmic ordering is about asking the Universe for whatever you want or need - and it arrives
(like magic).
I can tell you that it works - if it is done correctly !!
It is very, very important to make your requests ( or orders) in the right frame of mind (literally).
From our experience this is a process that works best in the theta range but with some higher activity also stimulated ( it will work just using orders in theta but a lot more slowly). It does also rely on you being very clear about what it is that you want ( we have found the clearer the better - no ambiguity) and believing absolutely that it will improve your life ( again any doubts and it will not happen).
Our Manifestation frequency sets are designed to do exactly that. Take a look at Manifestation and linked pages for more explanation of the process and the different types of manifestation that are possible.
Remember if you create the correct dominant brain frequency, you are clear in what you want and believe that you will get it - YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT.
We have also combined the use of binaural sound and the harmonic effect with hypnotherapy and neuro linguistic programming. We have worked extensively with hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners to develop this approach. It was found that the user or practitioner could induce a significantly more suggestible state when using the correct sound harmonic.We have created a downloadable or CD version of this induction frequency; details of which can be found at HYPNOSIS
We have also created a series of harmonics coded with specific NLP suggestions.
NLP, is the science of how the brain codes learning and experience. This coding affects all communication and behaviour. It affects how you learn and how you experience the world around you. It is a key to reaching goals, breaking habits, solving problems and learning new behaviours.
You will also find a huge number of downloadable NLP scripts that can be used independently or in conjunction with the above.
More details can be found from HYPNOSIS
We also use superliminal suggestion
superliminal suggestion is used to bypass the logical filters. The instruction is specifically coded to make it difficult for the left side of the brain to understand it. The right side of the brain is then left to create the correct, unquestioned imagery required to create the new habit or state.
Don't forget our guarantee too. I am pretty confident that you will eventually succeed with this approach but hey, If it really does not work for you - you will get your money back. Just give it a chance.
link for download
Code: http://rapid*
Awakening Kundalini
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Brain Massage
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Brain Power
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Breakthrough Training In the Zone: Vol. I
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Create Success
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Code: http://rapid*
Deep Insight
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Deep Learning
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Deep Meditation
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Deep Sleep
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Code: http://rapid*
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Code: http://rapid*
Fulfill Your Heart's Desire
Code: http://rapid*
Guided Meditation
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Guided Relaxation
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Healing Meditation
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
High Focus
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Code: http://rapid*
Increase Creativity
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Living Prayer
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Positive Thinking
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Power Training in the Zone: Vol. II
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Release Guilt
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Code: http://rapid*
Relieve Jet Lag
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
Retrieve Your Destiny
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Code: http://rapid*
Running Meditation
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Code: http://rapid*
Sacred Body
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Code: http://rapid*
Sacred Ground
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Code: http://rapid*
Slim Naturally
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Code: http://rapid*
Sound Healing
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Code: http://rapid*
Sound Sleep
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Code: http://rapid*
Stress Free Forever
Code: http://rapid*
Super Learning
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Code: http://rapid*
The Secret Universal Mind Meditation
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Code: http://rapid*
Total Relaxation
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Code: http://rapid*
Walking Meditation
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Weight Loss
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Info :
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Password : peace
Added on 14th June
7 Minutes Vacation
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Stop Smoking
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Code: http://rapid*
Password :serpinarli
The Secret Universal Mind Meditaion 2
Info :
Code: http://rapid*
The Secret to Attracting Love
Info :
Please click on the buttons to the left for further information and to purchase any of the products or product packs.
sobat. maap ya yang kemaren g bisa di download, ternyata si yang punya blog sudah mengubah,, kali ini magicstilez akan memberitahukan pada link yang benar, tapi sebelumnya magicstilez akan nambahin lagi keterangan tentang brainwave yang magicstilez kumpulkan tadi,,
di baca aja
Terapi kesihatan alternatif untuk lelaki dan wanita, segala usia. Baik digunakan oleh mereka yang sedang dalam proses penyembuhan (sedang sakit) atau untuk menjaga kesihatan (agar tidak mudah sakit). Brainwave Healing Adjustment ini akan merangsang otak anda menghasilkan gelombang tertentu yang dapat mengaktifkan daya sistem tubuh secara holistic (keseluruhan). Brainwave ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk menggantikan pengubatan medik. Brainwave ini hanya sebagai alternatif yang mempercepat penyembuhan dari dalam diri pesakit. Apapun gangguan kesihatan yang anda derita, dapat dibantu dengan mendengarkan Brainwave ini.
Sebenarnya ada banyak sekali manfaat dan banyak penjelasan ilmiah yang panjang mengapa hal itu boleh dirangsang dengan mendengarkan Brainwave Healing. Namun kerana keterbatasan waktu, kami langsung sebutkan saja berbagai manfaat Brainwave ini untuk diri Anda, tanpa memberi penjelasan panjang lebar. Inilah manfaatnya:
1. Memicu tubuh anda untuk menyembuhkan dirinya secara alami. Anda semua tahu, bahawa tubuh memiliki kemampuan untuk menyembuhkan diri. Ketika jari anda tersayat/terhiris pisau, tanpa perlu diubati pun akan sembuh dengan sendirinya. Kemampuan penyembuhan diri ini berbeza untuk setiap orang dan dipengaruhi oleh usia. Kanak-kanak pada umumnya punya kemampuan penyembuhan diri yang lebih baik daripada orang dewasa. Contoh yang sering anda lihat, adalah kalau kanak-kanak mengalami patah tulang, maka dengan waktu singkat dapat tersambung dan pulih seutuhnya, tetapi kalau orang tua yang patah tulang, sulit tersambung dan biasanya menyebabkan cacat. Namun dengan Brainwave ini, kemampuan penyembuhan diri anda (baik anak atau dewasa) dapat ditingkatkan.
2. Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan atau sistem imun, iaitu sistem perlindungan pengaruh luar biologis yang dilakukan oleh sel dan organ khusus pada suatu organisme. Jika sistem kekebalan bekerja dengan benar, sistem ini akan melindungi tubuh terhadap infeksi bakteria dan virus, serta menghancurkan sel kanser dan zat asing lain dalam tubuh. Jika sistem kekebalan melemah, kemampuannya melindungi tubuh juga berkurang, sehingga menyebabkan patogen, termasuk virus yang menyebabkan demam dan flu, dapat berkembang dalam tubuh. Sistem kekebalan juga memberikan pengawasan terhadap sel tumor, dan terhambatnya sistem ini juga telah dilaporkan meningkatkan risiko terkena beberapa jenis kanser.
3. Suara dalam Brainwave ini juga mengarahkan pesakit menjadi lebih rileks sehingga automatik menyihatkan jantung, mengurangi risiko serangan stroke, menormalkan tekanan darah dan melancarkan peredaran darah.
4. Mengurangi ketegangan sistem saraf dan meningkatkan kekuatan fizik.
5. Membuat tubuh anda lebih bugar, segar, dan memaksimumkan pembentukan energi pada otot.
Gunakan Brainwave ini seminggu 2 kali untuk menjaga kesihatan anda. Bagi anda yang sedang sakit, untuk mempercepat penyembuhan, sebaiknya Brainwave ini didengarkan setiap hari. Ingat, anda tetap tidak boleh meninggalkan pengubatan medik. Tetap periksa ke doktor jika anda sakit. Brainwave ini hanya pendamping untuk mempercepat proses penyembuhan diri dan menjaga kesehatan tubuh anda.
Aplikasi gelombang otak berdurasi 12 minit berguna untuk merangsang otak menghasilkan hormon yang berfungsi membantu meregenerasi sel-sel tubuh lebih cepat sekaligus memberi nutrisi kepada sel tubuh Anda, sehingga tubuh Anda selalu merasa segar, kulit terasa lebih kencang, wajah lebih berseri-seri dan terlihat awet muda. Selain itu peremajaan sel-sel tubuh juga bermanfaat menghilangkan toksin / racun didalam tubuh kita.
Aplikasi hanya digunakan khusus bagi Anda yang sedang sakit, atau sedang menjalani terapi medis baik untuk penyakit-penyakit fisik maupun untuk penyakit-penyakit kejiwaan. Aplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk membuat otak Anda memproduksi hormon tertentu yang berguna untuk membantu mempercepat proses penyembuhan.
Bagi anda yang sehat, aplikasi ini sesuai untuk digunakan. IMMUNE BOOSTER membantu tubuh Anda memproduksi hormon pada saat Anda tidur yang bermanfaat untuk memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh anda, sehingga membuat tubuh lebih tahan terhadap penyakit. Namun aplikasi ini tidak boleh digunakan pada penderita Leukimia !!!
Anda dapat menggunakan semua aplikasi diatas atau salah satunya saja sesuai dengan keperluan Anda.
ada beberapa macam brain wave salah satunya adalah attract love,, yuk baca manfaatnya
Secara global Brainwave Attract Love bukan hanya untuk menarik lawan jenis, memperbaiki persahabatan yang retak atau sekedar menambah kedekatan ama Boss pun bisa, tidak peduli apapun latar belakang anda. Sory kalau sok tau tapi itu yang udah TS rasain.
bagi yang belum bener bener punya inceran, kalian harus tahu dulu kriteria detail untuk menjadi cewe kalian. misal gelar S3, mata belo, rambut panjang, anak pak camat, anak tunggal, tinggi min 170cm, pinter masak, sayang pada anak2, tidak suka shoping, jago internet, smart dan lain sebagainya. kalau kalian benar2 tau detailnya, Brainwave akan membantu menariknya untuk datang pada kalian, sisanya serahkan pada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa.
kalau kalian udah punya inceran, tinggal bayangin inceran kita sambil dengerin Attract Love. usahakan ngebayangin waktu lagi seneng, misal lagi senyum, ketawa2, ngobrol bareng Dll, jangan ngebayangin waktu ribut atw bertengkar,,
1. Yang Ts biasa lakuin, berbaring (sebab dengernya setiap mau tidur) pasang headset di kuping. Puter Brainwave AL pake HP. Dengerin dengan membayangkan seseorang yang kita cintai. Posisi berbaringnya telentang, jangan ada tangan atau kaki yang menyilang, tarik dan buang nafas secara normal dan rilexs, sambil bayangin si dia. Rasakan juga nafas mengalir ke seluruh tubuh sampai ke ujung2 jari. Yang paling penting adalah pertahankan posisi ini sampai AL selesai, jangan merubah pisisi tidur jadi miring, tengkurab apalagi nungging. Tapi kalau udah ketiduran itu lain cerita.
2. Berikut adalah pesan2 yang akan kita dengarkan dan di tanamkan ke dalam alam bawah sadar kita, tidak bisa kita dengarkan memang karena kata2 ini di rekam dengan frekwensi rendah. Kuncinya karena ini bahasa inggris dan kalau teman2 semua gak tau bahasa inggris efeknya kurang mujarab atau gak ada efek sama sekali. Tugasnya sekarang cari kamus, pahami arti kalimat2 di bawah ini. Dijamin Brainwave lebih nendang….
Yes! I can be fulfi lled
I love myself, I appreciate myself
I feel connected to the fl ow of love in my life
I yearn for love with total self-appreciation
I let my desire activate every part of my being
I let my heart be touched, I let the magic fl ow
I awaken to the touch of love
My love attracts equal and balanced love
I am open and available, passionate and full
I am receiving love, love comes to me
I feel turned on, I can be touched
Every cell of my body exudes beauty and love
This love that is mine creates miracles in my world
I feel the movement of love in all of my life
Yes! I can love and be loved
Joy and beauty fi ll my life
My heart is open, my heart is wise and mature
I feel my love attracting love
I attract the love I desire
I rest in the arms of love
3. Hapus lagu cengeng dari Playlist kalian, Brainwave berusaha menanamkan kata2 positif pada kita, kalau kita masih dengerin lagu-lagu cengeng otak kita akan di bombardir dari arah yang berlawanan. Contoh lagu cengeng Cinta ini membunuhku D’masiv. Di saat saat tertentu kita menanamkan kalimat positive dengan AL, dan setiap saat kita denger lagu itu, bisa kacau nih otak. Memang pelum ada teori yang kuat tentang hal ini tapi temen2 bisa buktikan sendiri. buat gantinya dengerin kangen band Kembali pulang aja Dari sudut pandang Law of Attraction: Like Attract Like….
4. Buat para sesepuh monggo di tambahin, Sory kalau nubi sok tau….
5. Yang udah dapet effek Attract Love mari sharing di sini….
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Kata kata mutiara cinta sejati
Sayang engkau bukanlah yang terbaik untuku, begitu pula denganku aku bukan yang terbaik untukmu
Engkau adalah wanita yang paling tepat untuk mendampingiku menjadi yang terbaik.
Kata mutiara cinta Inggris
Love is about you not me
love is about give not ask
love is about happy never be sorrow
Kata mutiara cinta romantis
Engkau tidak seperti bulan karena kau lebih indah darinya
Matamu juga tak sebening embun karena tidak ada satupun kilau air yang sanggup menandingi indah matamu
Aku tidak akan pernah menyebrangi lautan api untukmu karena akan ku arungi jagadraya bersamamu
Kata mutiara cinta lucu
Dunia milik kita berdua sayang,
klo kita lagi pulang sekolah bareng jalan kaki lewat sawah,
trus ujan, gak bawa payung padahal hari udah sore.
Kata mutiara cinta english
If you feel lonely be believe
i with you always
Kata mutiara Islam tentang cinta
Biarkan aku jatuh Cinta
Selayak Rasul dan Khadijah
Dan Jangan Biarkan diriku Ya Allah
Sekedar ingin berkuasa atas dirinya
Aku lemah tanpanya
karena aku tau agamaku hanya akan sempurna bersamanya
Kata kata mutiara tentang cinta ini silahkan ditambah jika pengunjung blog peluang usaha ini berkenan. kata kata mutiara cinta secara psikologis diperlukan bagi setiap pasangan untuk mempertahankan romantis me. Keujutan kejutan kecil sms kata kata mutiara cinta dengan kata kata mutiara cinta islami bagi muslimin akan membuat pasangan anda selalu jatuh cinta.
Kumpulan kata kata mutiara cinta bisa anda peroleh dibanyak blog tetapi khusus untuk pengunjung setiap blog ini tentu menjadi spesial karena kata kata mutiara untuk cinta terindah anda saya buat sendiri alias tidak akan anda temukan ditempat lain, ya meskipun tidak seindah kata kata mutiara cinta khalil gibran setidaknya kata kata mutiara cinta sejati bisa anda ciptakan sendiri tentu sesuai isi hati anda.
Saya juga membuat kata kata mutiara cinta dalam bahasa inggris meskipun gak banyak, tapi saya harap bisa memberikan inspirasi saya tidak berharap anda mengucapkan kata kata mutiara putus cinta karena sejatinya cinta adalah abadi. selamat menikmati kumpulan kata kata mutiara tentang cinta ini , semoga bahagia selalu menyertai anda tidak hanya kata kata mutiara dan cinta kepada pasangan anda ucapakan kata kata mutiara tentang cinta dan persahabatan bagi teman terbaik anda.
Kode Tombol Rahasia Ponsel Nokia – Kunci Trik Cara Buka Secret Code Akses HP/Handphone/Telepon Selular/Seluler Nokia Anda
1. Melihat IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
Caranya tekan * # 0 6 #
2. Melihat versi software, tanggal pembuatan softwre dan jenis kompresi software
Caranya tekan * # 0 0 0 0 #
Jika tidak berhasil coba pencet * # 9 9 9 9 #
3. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #
4. Melihat nomor / nomer private number yang menghubungi ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 3 0 #
5. Menampilkan nomer pengalihan telepon all calls
Caranya tekan * # 2 1 #
6. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena tidak anda jawab (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 1 #
7. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena di luar jangkauan (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 2 #
8. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena sibuk (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 #
9. Merubah logo operator pada nokia type 3310 dan 3330
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 7 0 5 6 4 6 #
10. Menampilkan status sim clock
Caranya tekan * # 7 4 6 0 2 5 6 2 5 #
11. Berpindah ke profil profile ponsel anda
Caranya tekan tombol power off tanpa ditahan
12. Merubah seting hp nokia ke default atau pabrikan
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 8 0 #
13. Melakukan reset timer ponsel dan skor game ponsel nokia
Caranya tekan * # 7 3 #
14. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #
15. Melihat kode pabrik atau factory code
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 6 0 #
16. Menampilkan serial number atau nomer seri hp, tanggal pembuatan, tanggal pembelian, tanggal servis terakhir, transfer user data. Untuk keluar ponsel harus direset kembali.
Caranya tekan * # 92702689 #
17. Melihat kode pengamanan ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 6 4 0 #
18. Melihat alamat ip perangkat keras bluetooth anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 8 2 0 #
19. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terbaik namun boros energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 3 3 7 0 #
20. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terendah namun hemat energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 4 7 2 0 #
21. Menuju isi phone book dengan cepat di handphone nokia
Caranya tekan nomer urut lalu # contoh : 150#
22. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk semua panggilan
Caranya tekan * * 2 1 * Nomor Tujuan #
23. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan yang tidak terjawab
Caranya tekan * * 6 1 * Nomor Tujuan #
24. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan ketika telepon hp anda sedang sibuk
Caranya tekan * * 6 7 * Nomor Tujuan #
Keterangan Tambahan :
- Kode diinput tanpa spasi
- Ada kode-kode nokia yang berlaku pada tipe tertentu saja
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