Saturday, February 04, 2012

Grebeg Maulud Kraton Yogyakarta 2012

At the memorial Grebeg Maulud 2012 , enlivened by the tujuh gunungan (seven mountains) that will be carried to several places. The exit of the tujuh gunungan (seven mountains) is at once a sign of the top event has been held since Sekaten that some time ago. Ketujuh gunungan (the seven mountains) that will be paraded consists of tiga gunungan kakung, satu gunungan putri, satu gunungan gepak, satu gunungan pawuhan, dan satu gunungan darat (three mountains kakung , a mountain woman, one gepak mountains, the mountains pawuhan, and the mountains inland). Mountains themselves are made from various kinds of foodstuffs such as rice, vegetables and fruits. mountains will be paraded from the sultan's palace to the mosque Gedhe Kauman. The exit of the seven mountains will be escorted by 12 bregodo, which is 10 bregodo Lombok Abang soldiers of the Sultan's Palace and the two soldiers bregodo Pakualaman Plangkir of the Duchy. Special Kakung mountains, people will be contested in three places. Ie around the mosque Gedhe Kauman, society and the courtiers around the Duchy Pakualaman, as well as public and courtiers in the complex Kaprajan Kepatihan. This year is also the second year brought to Kepatihan Kakung mountains. The procession was deliberately done in order to strengthen the relationship between the community and the Duchy Palace Ngayogyakarto Pakualaman as the Cultural Center, as well as central government Kepatihan. Grebeg Maulud Kraton Yogyakarta 2012 this will be broadcast on local television directly in Yogyakarta, Jogja TV ranging from 4 to 5 February, and this can be seen live via the website that can be accessed worldwide Thanks for reading this article Grebeg Maulud Kraton Yogyakarta 2012 and You had already participated to maintain and preserve the ancestral cultural heritage.

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